Monday, May 23, 2011

Oat Couture

Home-made Oatmeal

This batch will last you an entire month, so go ahead and experiment with new toppings daily. Creating your own custom breakfast each morning will feel special and even helpful when you’re pressed for time. When in doubt, think to Go Nuts or Spice Things Up! My favorite combos are chopped pecans & a drizzle of maple syrup or fresh-from-the-garden blackberries with a sprinkle of granulated Stevia.

Makes about 28 servings


3 cups quick oats
4 cups rough milled oats (I use Silver Palate brand)
1/2 cup flax seed
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp fine sea salt
1/4 tsp fresh ground nutmeg
3 tsp cinnamon

Note: Find or purchase a see-through container with tight fitting lid for easy storage and use. If it's on the counter and in plain sight, you'll always know there's a easy & healthy option for breakfast. Make sure it can hold 2 quarts and designate a stainless steel measuring cup for portioning the oatmeal. Each serving is roughly 1/3 cup dry mix.


1. In a food processor or blender, add 1 cups quick oats, 1 cup rough oats, flax seed, sugar, salt and spices. Pulse until blended and oatmeal is mostly powdered.

2. Pour mixture into a prepped storage container and combine with the remaining oats.

Everyone likes their oatmeal consistency a little different, but generally the ratio is 2 parts water per 1 part oatmeal.